We get it, this isn’t the most ideal of situations, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it work in our favor. Welcome to the new normal, and whether you’re surrounded by kiddos, your significant other, or siblings, you can definitely make it work for you. We may have had to sacrifice brunch with the girls, but we're SO NOT giving up on our health and wellness goals!
So if you want to work, workout, and thrive during lockdown- we suggest you keep reading.
Step 1: Declutter your place.
Time to bring out your inner Marie Kondo, and feng shui the heck out of your living space! Nothing is off limits during a quarantine, and it’s time for an extreme makeover. Parts of the house we recommend focusing on? Start in the bedroom and bathroom to clean out your closet, toiletries, and cosmetics. We all have that lipstick from 3 years ago that we’ve never used, and those perfect jeans that are just too big or too small- if you haven't worn it or used it in the last year, put it in the toss / donate pile! That goes for pantry items, kitchen appliances, and old papers / mail. Depending on the clutter, this could take a few hours, or a whole day, but you’ll be thankful you did it.
Step 2: Optimize your home for quarantine
Now that your home is clutter free, you’re going to want to designate living spaces, working spaces, and workOUT spaces. If there’s multiple people in your household, this step is VERY important for both of your sanities! To avoid feeling overwhelmed and trapped (especially in a time like this), it’s important to not mix your spaces, and keep a routine. Your office shouldn’t be in the bedroom, or on the couch where you relax. Whether you’re commandeering a part of the kitchen, living room, or dining room, you’ll be thankful for the barriers. It’s very difficult to mentally separate from work, especially when you’re constantly 10 ft away from your desk. If you don’t have designated work areas, then it will infiltrate every aspect of your life at home. By creating a special workspace, it’ll be easier for you to switch on and off at the beginning and end of your work day.
Step 3: Set up your home office
Speaking of home offices, for some you’ll be able to designate your own room, table, or corner- others aren’t as lucky. If you don’t have a lot of space, it’s okay to have flex zones, where you make small transformations to turn into your office space during the day, and then take down at night. Avoid setting up on your bed, your couch, the floor, or a coffee table- these spaces will not do you any good long term. If you have a table or vanity or desk in your bedroom or kitchen or living room, those are your best options. Before starting work make some changes to your space to transform it into your office space, and to signal ‘work hours’. This could be adding a monitor, a lamp / desk light, notebook and pens, a plant, or even just opening a window. When you’re done for the day, be sure to transform your space back into the ‘home zone’ to keep barriers between the two!
Step 4: Set up your workout space
This space will be slightly easier to set up, and plenty more fun! Simply put, pick a corner in your home to designate as your workout space! It doesn’t need to be bigger than the size of a yoga mat, and there you’ll have enough room for quick and effective workouts at home! Again, similar to your home office, you won’t want this space to be somewhere you consider a ‘living environment’, so try to stay away from where you eat, sleep, and watch TV. This should help you keep focused during your workout, and stay committed to your goals! You won’t need much to have an effective workout space, just you, a small area, a kick*ss attitude, and an at-home workout app like Flat tummy App! Forget the clunky equipment- no one has room for that stuff during a quarantine! Just be sure to have gym clothes set aside, recurring time in your weekly schedule, and adjust your fitness goals to suit your at-home needs!
Step 5: Set up your living space
The easiest of all spaces, your living space should technically be set up for you. This will be where you sleep, eat, watch TV, play board games / video games, etc. The biggest rule to remember here is to always keep this area decluttered, and a safe space for you to relax. It’s going to be tempting to write a few emails while relaxing and watching TV, but again, you want to try to limit the overlapping between your three areas as much as possible. Other ways to liven up your living space include maximizing lighting, bringing in bright colors and fun patterns, using scents that appeal to you, and of course, make sure comfiness is at its highest here!
Step 6: Communication is key
You may be self-isolating alone, with family, or with roommates- if you’re not alone, you’re going to want to have a system in place. To go back to the home zones, you should have a discussion with the other parties as to who is setting up, and where. If it’s with the kids, you should have a designated play zone that isn’t just their bedroom. If you’re working at home with your spouse who has a lot of office calls, maybe you need separate home offices. Either way, communication here is key, because to get through this you will need to work together, discuss your wants, needs, and grievances, and support each other through these unprecedented times!
Step 7: Get your backup
We’re all about that balance, and when you’re stuck home all day, it’s hard to stay motivated. We totally understand, and we can relate. If you’re finding it difficult to avoid snacking, consider trying our Control Hunger Bundle- Snack-attacks are a thing of the past with this Bundle! Flat Tummy Shakes are keto-friendly vegan shakes, packed with 20 grams of plant-based protein to keep you feeling full, longer. Flat Tummy Lollipops will help control hunger between meals and resist empty calories!* Packed with all the best things a girl could ask for, this combo is designed to help you kick those cravings, control hunger between meals, and move those stubborn lbs! Did we mention it’s 20% Off today?!
We hope these suggestions not only help you get through quarantine, but help you THRIVE day to day! Whether you’re social distancing or still in quarantine, these steps will help you stay healthy, stay safe, and of course #StayOnTrack!